Annalies Corse has contributed Chapter 7 – Methylation to Advanced Clinical Naturopathic Medicine.
Since early childhood and her school years, Annalies has enjoyed great fondness for the sciences, an admiration for human biology and an insatiable desire for learning. At 21, she graduated university as a Medical Scientist (BMedSc-Pathology), going on to work as a medical researcher (Oncology/Cell Pathology), for the Royal Children’s Hospital (Genetics), The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS Sports Science) and both public and private hospital laboratories (Haematology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology). It was during a term of hospital clinical biochemistry when Annalies discerned there was more to health outcomes than pharmaceuticals and good genetic fortune.
While working as a Medical Scientist, Annalies spent 12 months researching how to incorporate this seemingly intangible aspect of human health into her job and trialling new professional paths. After volunteering in the Nutrition departments of the Royal Military College (RMC Duntroon), the NSW Institute of Sport (NSWIS), the school of Medical Science at ANU, the Human Nutrition Unit (Sydney University) and private dietetics practices in both Canberra and Sydney, Annalies chose to study preventive medicine. She moved to Sydney and graduated as a Naturopath (BHSc- Naturopathy) in 2007.
For the past 16 years, Annalies has integrated her education, attempting to bridge the gap between the highly specialised Medical Sciences and the highly comprehensive practice of Naturopathy. She works in private practice and lectures at both university and post-graduate levels. Her publications, ideas, chapters, interviews, lectures and seminars have been featured at TEDx Sydney, the ABC, SBS TV, FxMedicine, ACNEM, ATMS, BioMedica, Clinical Naturopathic Medicine/Advanced Clinical Naturopathic Medicine, (Elsevier), NatEx Conference, Unstress, The MINDD Foundation and other print/online/radio health communications in both Australia and internationally. Annalies is married to Dan, a Paediatrician/Paediatric Endocrinologist; together they are raising their beautiful little boy.
LinkedIn: Annalies Corse
Instagram: @annalies.corse